Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Day 18: Montreal, Que. to Parts unknown, Ont.

Try As You May, You May End Up Sleeping on the Side of the Highway 

Distance: 124.8 kms
Riding Time: 5:25 hrs
Average Speed: 23.0 km/h
Max. Speed: 47.8 km/h

Well, needless to say I didn't make Ottawa today. I tried, but it just couldn't be done. It was about 30 degrees celsius and the wind was about 20 km/h from the NW - almost always in my face. Also, the day started late, at about 10:30 am and my host, while kind in offering to bring me out of the city and giving me an alternative route to Ottawa, led me out of Montreal at a pace far too fast for my liking for the first 30 kms. Those are my excuses, but really, making Ottawa, some 200 kms or more away was quite ambitious. Anyway, despite the crazy twists and turns of my route out of Montreal, I got out; mostly due to the helpful guidance of strangers along the way.

I've landed somewhere off the Ont 17 highway outside of Hawkesbury, Ontario. I'm very, very tired so bed is early and tomorrow I'll head to Ottawa to meet up with my Aunt who has a cottage nearby. I plan to rest for a couple days and enjoy some down time. Salut Quebec! (I don't know how to make accented e's. My apologies francophones)

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