Shawn sings the MCL (Medial Collateral Ligament) blues
Just took it easy today and rested up Shawn's knee. I took the opportunity to deal with some of the financial wreck I've left at home in the hands of the National Student Loan Center. I was on the phone for and hour and a half and had to explain my situation to three different people, but finally managed to get things straightened out. After being on the phone so long, I facepalmed myself when I realized that I'd used daytime cell phone minutes that were not there to be used. Oh well, at least I got that crap over with.
Shawn's knee is still swollen and painful, but he's going to try to push on tomorrow and we'll try to get to Swift Current. We've made some adjustments to his riding position and I suggested that he improve his technique on the bike to reduce the pressure on his knee, so hopefully it's not too late to save the trip. If you or someone you love are having pain issues while your riding, please consult the following link which I find very helpful for such things as well as anything to do with biking:
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